Dianna Solara

"The Light which shines in the eye is really the Light of the Heart. The Light which fills the Heart is the Light of God."

Dianna Solara

Dianna~Solara is a champion for Peace and Harmony, innate elements of the New Earth. Revered as an Oracle of Light, Quantum Healer, and Mother figure, she embodies profound Spiritual Wisdom, Channeling Radiant Skills of Living Light and the Wisdom of the Divine. Her journey, woven through extensive spiritual studies, diverse experiences, and global travels, positions her as a bridge between the tangible world and elevated consciousness.

As a Luminary Leader, she navigates alongside individuals on their quest to embrace the mysteries of the Language of Light, guiding them courageously into uncharted territories. She provides nurturing support, fresh insights and the tools needed for transformation for those prepared to embark on the journey of co-creating the New Earth.



My Vision

I believe it’s time to initiate a thoughtful dialogue concerning the New Earth and the evolution of humanity. It’s essential to delve into our individual and collective visions of this new reality, exploring how we desire to encounter and embody it. Such discussions will spark ideas on how each of us can actively contribute to the creation of the New Earth, assuming our roles as co-creators in this transformative process.

“Living Light” embodies a natural way of existence, born through a partnership with Source energy.This radiant energy thrives in perfect equilibrium and accord with all facets of life, ultimately yielding a profound life-changing state of peace. My aspiration is that through the dissemination of this Living Light, a seed of illumination is sown within each individual, igniting a spark that illuminates a path for exploration and actualization.This journey beckons you to uncover possibilities, embrace, and share your unique gifts, fostering a world of peace and harmony on our New Earth.

May You All Be Blessed in All Ways!


Birth of an Oracle

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