At the End of the Rainbow...
At the End of the Rainbow…we find our True Self… our Pot of Gold!!!
I start this HighLight with a post from my old website on 11.10.11 and 11.11.11 as it was a beginning, a predetermined moment in time and a very important Gateway that I as well as a planet went through. I was guided to Kauai HI for this important moment in time to birth the new creation codes already received then to receive new codes of Light and anchor them.
As all beginnings have an ending, this ending at the end of the Rainbow was a beginning for me. I didn’t realize it at the time what I was about to go through. It was shortly after the gateways into 2012 that I was guided to step away from the public eye and began what became an intense mystical journey. A journey that was made for the benefit of the Universal Consciousness that has led to Now.
I was on a walk yesterday with a couple of friends in a meadow upon a mountain top in Kauai HI. The mountain rains came as a cleansing from the heavens and whose coolness felt good as a relief from the heat of the mid-afternoon day. We saw a large tree, turned and ran to stand under it for protection from the rain. As the mountain rains normally don’t last very long, we patiently stood looking out over the meadow waiting for the rain to stop, when we noticed a rainbow had formed. We could see what looked like the end of the rainbow appearing to be about 100 feet from us! So we ran towards the rainbow laughing like little kids.
As a child I remember looking at rainbows and trying to find the end, chasing it but never successfully finding it as the end kept moving.
We ran in the pouring rain and stood at the end…I stood with my eyes closed taking in every sensation, every sound, every bit of the energy, what a connection it was!! The rainbow colors engulfed us, it was magical! I was standing at the end of a Rainbow! I felt like I had found a pot of gold…connected to everything…being One. The rainbow carrying the gold throughout the world to share in the treasures that not only I, but as One could be my gift that I share with the world!
Have you ever stood at the end of a rainbow? Have you found your Pot of Gold?
The 11 11 11 Gateway
This message was sent 11 11 11 to people who had the stars, been activated and used it as a tool to assist in bringing in the energies of the ascension for the 11 11 11 Gateway.
To think that the time has come, and we have all agreed to be a part of this magnificent time in the Ascension of our planet. This gateway brings us into the vibration of a new consciousness and allows for the frequency of the Diamond Energy to become a part of this New Earth. The golden energy of the star octahedron pattern spins the geometry to increase the vibration so that we may now move into this pattern of energy with greater ease.
Eight crystals have been placed in various places throughout this country and around the world. We connect these vortexes of energy to the crystalline grid allowing for the wisdom and knowledge that is contained within these vortexes to shift with the planet as it moves forward in its Ascension. Meditate and visualize these crystals Lighting up and arcing to the various areas which connect them, creating a new matrix to connect to. This ensures the wisdom moves with the ascension and radiates its energies throughout the universe and beyond for all to access who are in divine alignment with the new energies.
Please Note: the energy of this visualization can connect you to this matrix that was created anytime.
Mua Star™
11 10 11 is the day we align our hearts to the Solar Sun. We have been working with the energies of the earth to keep us grounded and these energies have allowed for us to increase our frequencies in this 3rd dimension. There has been a letting go of the final things that don’t resonate with the energies we are entering into. You may have found these energies weighing on you as they have tossed and turned us every which way as we feel our way into what we would like to create our new lives to be. Today we release these patterns and allow for the geometric pattern of the Christ consciousness to merge into our beings and into the hearts and souls of all those on this planet. We are all together in this, we are all being tested, what do you want to bring into our reality that brings you peace and is in harmony with the Source?
Aligning with the Solar Sun allows for the energies of 11 11 11 to permeate our bodies allowing for the energies of this gateway to ascend into our New Earth. Today is the day to let go of that which no longer serves us.
11 11 11 at 11:11, is the time that I am writing you about and is when we connect the energies of the crystals and the star octahedron, the Mua Star™.
With the star octahedron and/or the crystal (the picture of the star octahedron, the Mua Star™ can work also see picture above) place them in the center of the area where your group is gathered, or if by yourself place in front of you. Each person envisions the star around their own bodies and places themselves into the center of it. Bring the energies of Mother Earth up from the crystalline core…from above bring in the energies of the Solar Sun, through the top of the star and connect the two energies. This connection is the zero point field, the infinite One-ness, the Christ consciousness. Be with these energies.
When you have connected to this point, take that energy and flow it into the star and crystal that is in front of you. Feel the energies build…
Envision these energies arcing like a rainbow that reaches from one area to another, arcing to the 8 crystal energy vortexes. These crystals and star octahedron, the Mua Star™ are connected and their energies create a vortex that expands around the earth and beyond into our universe. This connection will carry the ancient wisdom into the New Earth.
Continue to stay with the vision and feeling as the energy builds. When the moment of time 11:11am on 11 11 11 the gateway will align with the sun, the gate opens. You may experience and see a large spark of light – an energy blast! Be with it…feel it…allow it to flow through you…this is the connection….this and all the energy is the unified field of the Christ Consciousness of the Ascension energies…there is no separation…all becomes One.
The geometry of the star octahedron, the Mua Star™, goes into the One Consciousness and the bloodstream of the crystalline core of the blood and the water of each being. That is truly when your earth is going to be in the entrainment of the New Earth and the new geometry which carry the frequencies of the Christ consciousness. This is the point of the end of finite time. Finite time is geared by artificial time and suffering, and the expansion of infinite time which is the Consciousness of Infinite Love, Source of Creation.
Please only do what you feel is right and do what you are guided. Trust your inner guidance and record in your journal what you receive.
Thank you for being a part of this important event in the evolution of this planet and the reason we came to this here, now!
May You Be Blessed Through your Journey of Light!